At Shasan Setu Group, we are dedicated to serving the Jin Shasan under the guidance of Gacchadhipati Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Shrimad Vijay Rajendrsuriswarji Maharaj Saheb and Yuva Samrat Gurudev Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant Shrimad Vijay Muktivallabh Surishwarji Maharaj Saheb.
Formed in 2020 by a group of young individuals at Irla, our aim is to encourage and involve more young people in Jin Shasan activities, and to strengthen their faith in the Jin Shasan.
We are involved in various aspects of Jin Shasan, including Gyaan Setu, Vaiyavach Setu, Jin Bhakti Setu, and Anukampa Setu, Talent Setu, Bhakti Setu, Mobile Shibir, etc. Join us in our mission to serve and spread the teachings of Jin Shasan.
Our Mission is to serve Jin shasan with full devotion and reach Jains in every part of the world by arranging various activities, spreading the message of love, jivdaya, and live and let live, while helping young people understand the value of Chaturvidh shree sangh in their lives, and promoting Jainism and its values globally.
Aayambil Setu
During COVID time everyone were worried will we able to do Aayambil as Aayambil shala were closed. Shasan setu Group took up the challenge and arrange for 9 days Aayambil kits (with all jayna) all over Mumbai, from Churchgate to Virar and Byculla to Kalyan.. We got labh of 8100 kits comprising both Aaso maas oli and Chaitra maas oli. This was the first event of Shasan Setu group and anumodna of labharthi and karyakartas to make this tough task successful
Anukampa Setu
On every saturday morning, Shasan Setu group distributes snacks and tea to almost 150 non-jain people nearby Irla area..
All these prople does darshan of jineshwar prabhu before having snacks. So, it creates aho-bhaav for them for our Jineshwar prabhu and ultimately for our Jin Shasan.
Donors are so excited with this activity that name keeps on pouring for every Saturday in well advance..
Bhakti Setu
Its an unique activity and probably the need of an hour..
Once in a week, Shasan Setu group youngsters visits to one elders place. They shares their life experiences with us, sukruts (good deeds) done by them, about their family, gives us life lessons and do bhakti with us..
Each member of family feels very happy with positive environment being created during this activity..
This is one of the most appreciated activity and its a talk of the town.
Jin Bhakti Setu
Jin Bhakti is a great and probably the best medium to join all with Jin shasan.. By arranging one or two days yatra pravas to tirth sthaan with youngsters carrying out Snatra puja, shuddhikaran, bhavna and different Bhakti anushthaan Shasan Setu group wants to become a bridge between youngster and Prabhu bhakti..
Gyaan Setu
Main pillar off our Jin shasan Is Gyaan, the knowledge. Through Gyaan setu, Shasan Setu group has arranged for open book exam on "NAMO NAVPAD JAYKARAMA" - written by gurudev Param Pujya Acharya Bhagwant shrimad vijay Muktivallabhsuriswarji maharaj saheb. Almost 2000 books were distributed and 750 + hads participated in the open book exam. Further, Shasan setu group had also arranged for quiz on Mahavir Prabhu for Andheri, Parle and Santacruz area
Talent Setu
To bring out the hidden talents of our jin shashan Children's and youngsters Shasan Setu group keeps on arranging various talent show competitions like online stavan competition, online mono act competition, online elocution competition.. Further youngsters of Shasan Setu group has also displayed their talent by presenting two online dramas.- "KNOCK KNOCK ITS HIGH TIME - Part 1 and 2". Both dramas are uploaded on Shasan setu youtube channel..
Mobile Shibir
The three-day 'Mobile Shibir' organized by the Shashan Setu Group was a highlight for the youth in todays mobile digital life. Under the guidance and blessings of Srimad Vijay Muktivallabh Sooriswarji Maharaj saheb along with about 20 other Guru Bhagwant, 100 youth participated and contributed to the success of the camp. The Shibir was scheduled from Vasai to Nalasopara 5 km, Nalasopara to Agashi Tirtha 9 km, Agashi Tirtha to Virar 5 km vihar, with complete planning and day filled with various activities. Sadharmik Bhakti, Prabhu Bhakti, lectures and competitions along with the presence of a motivational speaker, the funfilled three days just flew by.