Mobile Shibir
The three-day 'Mobile Shibir' organized by the Shashan Setu Group was a highlight for the youth in todays mobile digital life. Under the guidance and blessings of Srimad Vijay Muktivallabh Sooriswarji Maharaj saheb along with about 20 other Guru Bhagwant, 100 youth participated and contributed to the success of the camp. The Shibir was scheduled from Vasai to Nalasopara 5 km, Nalasopara to Agashi Tirtha 9 km, Agashi Tirtha to Virar 5 km vihar, with complete planning and day filled with various activities.
Sadharmik Bhakti, Prabhu Bhakti, lectures and competitions along with the presence of a motivational speaker, the funfilled three days just flew by. Seeing the children and youth singing and dancing in devotion to the Lord, the eyes of all other present was filled with tears of joy.
The essence of Vihar, reciprocating the kindness of parents, strong faith in God, dedication to Gurudev, companionship of welfare friends, accrual of collective virtue, the 'Mobile Shibir' became an unforgettable memory.